Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Memory Lane Game

I got this from my friend's blog and decided to put it on mine because it just sounded fun. Play along if you wish. :-)

1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you. If you don't want to play on your blog, or if you don't have a blog, I'll leave my memory of you in my comments.


  1. Julie, Julie. You are one of the funnest, most sunshiny people I've ever met. I loved cooking our meals for the month in a day together. You'd always keep me laughing - plus you'd handle all the raw chicken and cut all the fat off. :-) You were a lifesaver to me in Kirksville and whenever I needed a pick me up you were there. I'll never forget your face when you came over to tell me you were getting . You (and Jason) were also Jaycie's favorite nursery leaders. I'm so glad you're my friend. (And thanks for what you wrote on my blog. I remembered to sing to Sarah tonight - she gets the short end of the stick sometimes being #5).

  2. Sorry - I left Ryan's name out! Let me try again. I'll never forget your face when you came over to tell me you were getting Ryan!!!

  3. I don't have one specific memory of you...but when I think of you, I think of what a good mom you are. You are o-so-creative and are always coming up with fun and creative ways to teach your boys. I love it. I miss our carpool days when I could suck your brain for ideas on a daily basis :)

  4. Julie,
    I am sure you didn't expect me to be on your blog, but I am a blog-stalker, and I found you! Hope you don't mind!

    What I love about you, and what comes to mind most, is your ability to know when I need to hear something positive or supportive. You have come to me several times, and not even knowing what was going on in my life, have said just the right thing to make me feel loved and good about what I am struggling to do. That sounds rather cryptic to everyone else, but you know what I mean. You mean more to me as a friend than you realize. I love you and am grateful for you!

    Jennifer Ceresa

  5. "TOO MUCH STUFF!!!!" That is all I really have to say about that! But thanks for helping me get ready for college life!

  6. Jennifer, I remember the first Christmas that we moved into this ward and you sang a solo for the Christmas program. It was so incredible! It moved me like no other song EVER has and brought me tears. I didn't really know you then, but I decided I really needed to get to know you and your beautiful testimony behind that incredible voice.

  7. Katie, You probably don't want me to mention that I remember changing your I won't! ;) But I also remember picking out your dresses for church and curling your hair. Sitting around the big kitchen table making gallons and gallons of strawberry jam, you loving to eat butter! I always felt honored that you would want to become a teacher like me and so proud of the kind of teacher that you are! Love you sis!

  8. hmmmm, so many memories! A couple of my most vivid childhood memories was when we shared a room. You hanging your down over the top bunk with your curly blonde hair hanging down and roaring at me like a lion :) The other, when you had to memorize the poem, "The Road Not Taken" and recorded yourself on a tape recorder reciting it and then played it over and over all night long. I think I still have the words memorized :) But most of all, you have been the greatest example to me of the coolest MOM...It's been fun to watch your boys grow up :) Love you, Becca - oh and TOO MUCH STUFF haha, that was a good one.

  9. Hmmmm...I remember going to a park date thing and after the third person had to go (don't remember who) it was just the two of us and we chatted the morning away. It was a nice time for me, as I was new in the ward. Also, the first time I met you we were out with Mimi and Leah I think, and you showed up at Black Angus and I instantly thought I'd like you, I WAS RIGHT! I think we saw a movie that night too, but I don't remember which one.
